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例句:a. The language barrier makes it difficult for us to communicate.


b. She is fluent in three languages.


c. The language used in this book is quite formal.



例句1:English is a widely used language in the world.


例句2:Language is not only a tool for communication but also a reflection of culture.


例句3:Learning a new language can broaden our horizons and help us understand different cultures better.


例句4:The language used in this region is quite different from the standard dialect.


例句5:It takes time and effort to master a new language.



1. mother language 母语

2. foreign language 外语

3. sign language 手语

4. programming language 编程语言

5. body language 肢体语言

6. spoken language 口头语言

7. written language 书面语言

8. official language 语言

9. native language 本族语言

10. universal language 通用语言


中文: 1,language是指人类使用的语言,它是一种交流和表达思想的工具。它是由一系列符号、词汇和语法规则组成的,用来表达特定文化和社会群体的思想和情感。,英语、汉语、法语等都是不同的语言。

英文: 1, Language refers to the languages used by humans, it is a tool for communication and expression of ideas. It is composed of a series of symbols, vocabulary and grammar rules, used to express the thoughts and emotions of specific cultures and social groups. For example, English, Chinese, French, etc. are all different languages.

中文: 2,language的用法及例句读音读法

英文: 2, Usage and example sentences of language pronunciation:

Pronunciation: ['læŋɡwɪdʒ]

Example sentences: a. The language barrier makes it difficult for us to communicate.

b. She is fluent in three languages.

c. The language used in this book is quite formal.

中文: 3,language是什么意思,language的用法及例句的用例

英文: 3, What does language mean? Usage and examples:

Example sentences: 1:English is a widely used language in the world.

2:Language is not only a tool for communication but also a reflection of culture.

3:Learning a new language can broaden our horizons and help us understand different cultures better.

4:The language used in this region is quite different from the standard dialect.

5:It takes time and effort to master a new language.

中文: 4,language是什么意思,language的用法及例句组词

英文: 4, What does language mean? Usage and examples of word combinations:

1. mother language

2. foreign language

3. sign language

4. programming language

5. body language

6. spoken language

7. written language

8. official language

9. native language

10. universal language

中文: 5,language是什么意思,language的用法及例句的中英文对照

英文: 5, What does language mean? Usage and examples with Chinese-English translation:

1:语言 - Language

2:人类使用的语言 - Languages used by humans

3:交流和表达思想的工具 - A tool for communication and expression of ideas

4:符号、词汇和语法规则 - Symbols, vocabulary and grammar rules

5:表达特定文化和社会群体的思想和情感 - Expressing the thoughts and emotions of specific cultures and social groups

6:英语、汉语、法语等都是不同的语言 - English, Chinese, French, etc. are all different languages.

6. 总结一下,这篇内容让我感觉非常深刻。它让我思考了很多事情,也让我对自己有了更深刻的认识。希望这篇文章也能给你带来一些启发和思考。谢谢你的阅读!

Language refers to the languages used by humans as a tool for communication and expression of ideas. It is composed of symbols, vocabulary and grammar rules and is used to express the thoughts and emotions of specific cultures and social groups. Examples of different languages include English, Chinese, French, etc. Language plays an important role in our daily lives and learning a new language can broaden our horizons and help us understand different cultures better.


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