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yín guǐn


1. 银魂是一部日本漫画及其衍生作品,由空知英秋创作。故事讲述了江户时代末期,天人五衰的世界里,拥有银色头发和银色眼睛的主人公坂田银时与他的伙伴们经历了一系列荒唐搞笑的冒险故事。

1. Gintama is a Japanese manga and its derivative works created by Hideaki Sorachi. The story tells the adventures of Sakata Gintoki, the protagonist with silver hair and eyes, and his companions in a world where the samurai have been replaced by aliens.


2. 银魂是一个复合词,由“银”和“魂”两个汉字组成。其中,“银”指代主人公坂田银时的银色头发和眼睛,也象征着他坚强不屈的;而“魂”则着他内心深处的意志和情感。

2. Gintama is a compound word composed of two Chinese characters, "silver" and "soul". "Silver" refers to the protagonist Sakata Gintoki's silver hair and eyes, symbolizing his strong spirit; while "soul" represents his inner will and emotions.

3. 《银魂》是一部以幽默搞笑为主题的漫画作品,也被改编成了动画、电影和游戏等多种形式。它不仅受到日本本土观众的喜爱,也在海外拥有大量的粉丝。

3. Gintama is a comic work with humor and comedy as its main theme, and it has been adapted into various forms such as animation, movies, and games. It is not only loved by Japanese audiences, but also has a large number of fans overseas.

4. 银魂也是一个广为流传的网络用语,在网络上常被用来形容某些人或事物具有银色头发或银色眼睛,或者具有坚强不屈的。它也经常被用来表示对某些事物的喜爱和认可。

4. Gintama is also a widely circulated internet slang, which is often used on the internet to describe people or things with silver hair or silver eyes, or people with strong and unyielding spirit. It is also often used to express love and approval for certain things.

5. 同义词:银色灵魂、银发武士

5. Synonyms: Silver Soul, Silver-Haired Samurai




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