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1. lack是指缺乏,不足的意思。它可以用来描述物质、、能力等方面的不足。:他缺乏自信心,无法完成这项任务。

2. lack的读音为/læk/,发音时舌尖轻触上颚,嘴唇微微张开,发出清晰的/l/和/a/音。

3. 用例:

(1) The lack of food and water made the survivors desperate.

(2) Many students lack the necessary skills to succeed in the job market.

(3) The team's lack of coordination resulted in their defeat.

(4) His constant tardiness is a sign of his lack of respect for others' time.

(5) The company's financial troubles are due to a lack of proper management.

4. 组词:

lackadaisical (懒散的),lackey (走狗),lacklustre (平庸的),lackadaisy (懒散地),lacking (缺乏的)

5. lack在中文中也可以翻译为“缺少”、“不足”等。:她缺少耐心,很快就放弃了这项工作。



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