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Steel is a strong and durable alloy made primarily of iron and carbon.





Steel is used in a variety of industries, including construction, manufacturing, and transportation. It is known for its strength, resistance to corrosion, and versatility.


1. The new bridge was constructed using steel beams to ensure its stability. (新桥使用钢梁建造,以确保其稳定性。)

2. The steel industry has seen significant growth in recent years due to increased demand for infrastructure development. (由于基础设施建设需求增加,钢铁行业近年来出现了显著增长。)

3. The chef used a steel knife to chop the vegetables quickly and efficiently. (厨师用钢刀快速高效地切割蔬菜。)

4. Steel pipes are commonly used in plumbing systems due to their durability and resistance to corrosion. (由于其耐久性和抗腐蚀性,钢管常用于管道。)

5. The company specializes in manufacturing high-quality steel products for the automotive industry. (该公司专门生产汽车行业的高品质钢铁产品。)


1. Iron - another metal commonly used in construction and manufacturing, but not as strong or versatile as steel.

2. Alloy - a mixture of two or more metals, often used to create stronger materials.

3. Metal - a broad term for any material that is hard, shiny, and malleable, including steel.

4. Carbon steel - a type of steel made with a higher carbon content, known for its strength and hardness.

5. Stainless steel - a type of steel with added chromium to increase resistance to corrosion.


Steel is an essential material in many industries due to its strength, durability, and versatility. It is commonly used in construction, manufacturing, and transportation. With various types available such as carbon steel and stainless steel, it can meet different needs and applications. As a dictionary editor, it is important to accurately define the meaning of words while also providing relevant examples for better understanding.


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