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Word: Harmony

Pronunciation: /ˈhɑːməni/

Part of Speech: noun



1. Agreement or peaceful coexistence between different groups or individuals.

2. A pleasing combination of elements that work together in a unified and balanced way.

3. A musical term referring to chords that sound pleasant when played together.


1. The two countries have finally achieved harmony after years of conflict.

2. The colors in this painting create a sense of harmony and balance.

3. The choir sang in perfect harmony, creating a beautiful melody.

Example Sentences:

1. The key to a successful relationship is finding harmony between your needs and your partner's.


2. In order for the team to function effectively, there must be harmony among its members.


3. The architect designed the building with the surrounding environment in mind, creating a sense of harmony with nature.


4. The orchestra played with perfect harmony, mesmerizing the audience with their music.


5. After years of disagreements, the two families finally found peace and lived in harmony with each other.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Agreement - refers to a state of harmony or concord between individuals or groups.

2. Unity - refers to a state of being united or working together towards a common goal.

3. Balance - refers to an equal distribution of weight or importance, creating a sense of harmony.

4. Accord - refers to an agreement or harmony between people or things.

5. Consensus - refers to a general agreement among a group of people.

Editor's Summary:

Harmony is an important concept in both interpersonal relationships and the arts, representing a state of agreement and balance between different elements. It can refer to peaceful coexistence between individuals or groups, as well as the pleasing combination of colors, sounds, or other elements in art and music. Synonyms for harmony include agreement, unity, balance, accord, and consensus. As an editor, it is important to understand the nuances and various uses of this word in order to accurately convey its meaning in different contexts.


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