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Further, how to say in English





1. I will need further information before I can make a decision.(在我做出决定之前,我需要更多的信息。)

2. We will continue to discuss this matter further at our next meeting.(我们将在下次上进一步讨论这件事。)

3. The project has been delayed and we need to take further action to catch up.(项目已经延迟了,我们需要采取进一步的行动来赶上进度。)

4. I am not satisfied with the results, so I will be taking this matter further.(我对结果不满意,所以我将进一步处理此事。)

5. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.(如果您有任何进一步的问题,请随时与我。)


1. Additionally - 此外,另外

2. Moreover - 而且,此外

3. Furthermore - 此外,而且

4. In addition - 另外,在此之上

5. Besides - 除此之外




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