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: /tʃeɪndʒ/


: Change is a verb and noun that refers to the process of becoming different, or the result of something becoming different.


1. The weather has changed dramatically in the past few days. (天气在过去几天里发生了巨大的变化。)

2. She decided to change her career path and become a teacher instead. (她决定改变自己的职业道路,成为一名教师。)

3. We need to change our approach if we want to succeed. (如果我们想要成功,就需要改变我们的方法。)

4. The company underwent significant changes after the new CEO took over. (新任CEO接管后,公司发生了重大变革。)

5. Can you give me some change for this $20 bill? (你能给我一些零钱换这张20美元的钞票吗?)


: Alter, transform, modify, adjust, convert.

Alter: To change or make something different without completely replacing it.

Example: She altered her dress to make it fit better.

Transform: To completely change something in form, appearance, or character.

Example: The caterpillar transformed into a butterfly.

Modify: To make small changes to something in order to improve it.

Example: We modified our original plan after receiving feedback from our clients.

Adjust: To change or adapt something in order to fit a particular situation or purpose.

Example: He adjusted his tie before heading into the important meeting.

Convert: To change something from one form or use to another.

Example: They converted the old factory into a modern office space.


: Change is a versatile word that can be used to describe various types of transformations. It can refer to both physical and abstract changes, and can be used as a verb or noun. It is important to consider the context when using synonyms for change, as they may have slightly different meanings or connotations.


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