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1. limelight怎么读?

limelight的正确读音是 /ˈlaɪmlaɪt/,重音在第一音节。

2. limelight怎么读?limelight是什么意思读音读法


3. limelight怎么读?limelight是什么意思的用例

例句1:The singer was in the limelight for her amazing performance.


例句2:The actor has been in the limelight ever since he won the Oscar.


例句3:The company's new product is in the limelight of the market.


例句4:After years of hard work, she finally stepped into the limelight and became a successful entrepreneur.


例句5:The politician's scandal has put him in the limelight of the media.


4. limelight怎么读?limelight是什么意思组词

- out of the limelight(不受关注,默默无闻)

- steal the limelight(抢风头,夺人眼球)

- in the limelight(备受关注,处于聚光灯下)

- limelighter(备受瞩目的人,聚光灯下的明星)

5. limelight怎么读?limelight是什么意思的中英文对照

- limelight [noun] 石灰光;聚光灯

- out of the limelight [phrase] 不受关注,默默无闻

- steal the limelight [phrase] 抢风头,夺人眼球

- in the limelight [phrase] 备受关注,处于聚光灯下

- limelighter [noun] 备受瞩目的人,聚光灯下的明星



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