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足够的英文 (Sufficient English)

Meaning: Adequate or enough amount of the English language.

Pronunciation: /səˈfɪʃənt ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/

Usage: The phrase "足够的英文" is used to describe a sufficient level of proficiency in the English language.

Example 1: She has a 足够的英文 to communicate with her international colleagues.


Example 2: The job requires a 足够的英文 level to interact with clients from different countries.


Example 3: He studied hard and now has a 足够的英文 to study abroad.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Satisfactory - It was a satisfactory performance, but she needs to work on her English skills.

满意 - 这是一个令人满意的表现,但她需要在她的英语技能上下功夫。

2. Sufficiently - He speaks sufficiently for his job, but he wants to improve his 足够的英文.

充分地 - 他为了工作而说话充分,但他想提高他的足够的英文水平。

3. Adequate - Your 足够的英文 is adequate for this position, but it can be better.

充足的 - 你的足够的英文对这个职位来说是充足的,但它可以更好。

4. Competent - She is a competent English speaker, but she still needs to learn more vocabulary.

有能力的 - 她是一个有能力的英语演讲者,但她仍然需要学习更多的词汇。

5. Proficient - He is proficient in English, and he can easily communicate with native speakers.

熟练 - 他精通英语,可以轻松与母语为英语的人交流。

Editor's Note: 足够的英文 is an important phrase for individuals who want to improve their English skills and for employers looking for candidates with a certain level of proficiency in the language. It emphasizes the importance of having enough knowledge and ability to communicate effectively in English. As an editor, it is essential to use this phrase accurately and appropriately in translations and definitions to convey its meaning clearly.


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