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Excessive Rate



/ɪkˈsɛsɪv reɪt/


Excessive rate refers to the percentage at which something exceeds a certain limit or standard. It is often used to describe a situation where something is beyond what is considered normal, acceptable, or expected.


1. The excessive rate of pollution in our city has become a major concern for the government. (我们城市过高的污染率已经成为的主要关注点。)

2. The excessive rate of inflation has caused prices to skyrocket. (过高的通货膨胀率导致物价飞涨。)

3. The excessive rate of absenteeism in the workplace has led to a decrease in productivity. (工作场所过高的旷工率导致生产力下降。)

4. The company was fined for its excessive rate of emissions, which were well above the legal limit. (该公司因排放量超过法定限值而被罚款。)

5. The excessive rate of accidents on this road has prompted authorities to implement stricter safety measures. (这条路上事故发生率过高,促使采取更严格的安全措施。)


1. Above average - describes something that is higher than what is considered normal or average.

2. Outrageous - used to describe something that is shocking, unacceptable, or extreme.

3. Exorbitant - refers to something that is unreasonably high or expensive.

4. Sky-high - describes something that is extremely high or excessive.

5. Abnormal - used to describe something that deviates from what is considered normal or expected.


Excessive rate is a term commonly used to describe a situation where something exceeds a certain limit or standard. It can refer to various aspects such as pollution, inflation, absenteeism, emissions, and accidents. Other similar terms can include above average, outrageous, exorbitant, sky-high, and abnormal. As an editor or translator for a dictionary, it is important to provide accurate definitions and examples for readers to better understand the term. Additionally, using appropriate synonyms can help expand the vocabulary of readers and enhance their understanding of the concept.


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