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Meaning: Cheap goods or a person with low value or quality.

Pronunciation: /tʃiːp ɡʊdz/


Usage: This term is used to describe goods or individuals that are of low quality or value. It can be used in both a derogatory and humorous manner.

Example Sentences:

1. She bought a bunch of cheap goods from the dollar store.


2. Don't be such a cheap skate, buy something of better quality for once.


3. He's known for being a cheap date, always taking girls to fast food restaurants.


4. The company was accused of producing cheap goods with poor labor conditions.


5. They were selling their products at such cheap prices that people suspected they were using child labor.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Inexpensive - This word is often used as a more positive alternative to "cheap" and can also refer to something being reasonably priced rather than just low quality.

2. Low-cost - This term emphasizes the affordability of something rather than its value or quality.

3. Bargain - This word refers to something being sold at a lower price than its usual value, but can also imply that it is still of decent quality.

4. Trashy - This adjective describes something as being of poor quality and can be used to describe both objects and people.

5. Shoddy - This word refers to something being poorly made or of low quality, often due to cutting corners on production costs.

Editor's Summary:

The term "cheap goods" is often used to describe items or individuals that are of low value or quality. It can be used in both a derogatory and humorous manner. Synonyms such as "inexpensive" and "low-cost" can also be used to refer to something being affordable, while words like "trashy" and "shoddy" emphasize the poor quality aspect. As an editor, it is important to consider the context in which this term is being used and ensure that it is not offensive or inappropriate.


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