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later on是什么意思?later on的用法和例句

1. later on是指在之后的时间或阶段,也可以表示在将来的某个时候。:I'll see you later on.(我会在以后见你。)

2. later on的读音为/ˈleɪtər ɒn/。

3. later on的用例:

(1)I'll finish this project later on, I'm busy right now.(我现在很忙,稍后我会完成这个项目。)

(2)We can discuss the details of the plan later on.(我们可以稍后讨论计划的细节。)

(3)Later on, she regretted not taking the opportunity.(后来,她后悔没有抓住机会。)

(4)I'll call you back later on, I need to check my schedule first.(我稍后会给你回,我需要先检查我的日程安排。)

(5)Later on in the day, the weather became much warmer.(一天晚些时候,天气变得温暖多了。)

4. later on的相关词汇:

- sooner or later: 迟早

- at a later time/date: 在以后的时间/日期

- come back to this ic later on: 稍后再回到这个话题上

5. 对照中英文:

later on是什么意思?later on的用法和例句

later on means in a time or stage after the current one, or it can also refer to some point in the future.

Example: I'll see you later on.

The pronunciation of "later on" is /ˈleɪtər ɒn/.


(1)I'll finish this project later on, I'm busy right now.

(2)We can discuss the details of the plan later on.

(3)Later on, she regretted not taking the opportunity.

(4)I'll call you back later on, I need to check my schedule first.

(5)Later on in the day, the weather became much warmer.

Related words for "later on":

- sooner or later: eventually

- at a later time/date: at a future time/date

- come back to this ic later on: return to this ic at a later time

later on是一个非常灵活的短语,它可以根据不同情况表示不同的含义。在我的心中,later on着未来的希望和美好,它让我充满期待和憧憬。无论在口语还是书面语中,later on都能给人带来一种积极向上的感觉。因此,在使用时,我们应该充分理解其含义,并将其用于恰当的场合。


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