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1. 货款两讫的英文:Payment Made in Full

2. 怎么读(音标):[ˈpeɪmənt meɪd ɪn fʊl]


3. 用法:Payment Made in Full是一个常用的商业术语,指的是客户或债务人已经全额支付了所欠的货款或债务。这个短语通常用于商业交易中,表示双方达成了最终的付款协议。

4. 例句:

a. The customer has made payment in full for the goods received.


b. The debtor has finally made payment in full to the creditor.


c. We require payment in full before we can ship the goods.


d. The company has failed to make payment in full, resulting in legal action being taken against them.


e. The borrower must make payment in full by the due date to avoid additional interest charges.


5. 同义词及用法:Payment Made in Full可以与以下短语互换使用:

a. Payment Completed(付款完成)

b. Payment Settled(付款结清)

c. Payment Cleared(付款已清算)

d. Payment Satisfied(付款满意)

e. Payment Discharged(付款已解除)

6. 编辑总结:Payment Made in Full是一个常用的商业术语,用于表示客户或债务人已经全额支付了所欠的货款或债务。它可以与其他同义短语互换使用,但是在商业交易中仍然是最常见和最正式的表达方式。在撰写商业文档时,我们应该避免使用过于口语化的表达,而要使用这样的正式术语来表达更加专业和严谨。


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