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Meaning: The verb is the main word or phrase in a sentence that expresses the action, state, or occurrence of the subject.


Pronunciation: /ˈvɜːb/

Usage: In English grammar, verbs are an essential part of speech and are used to convey actions, events, or states of being. They can also indicate tense, mood, and voice.

Example 1: She runs every morning. (Present tense)


Example 2: He will be studying for his exams next week. (Future tense)


Example 3: They were watching a movie when I arrived. (Past tense)


Example 4: The students should have finished their assignments by now. (Perfect tense)


Example 5: If I were you, I would take a break. (Subjunctive mood)


Synonyms and Usage: Some synonyms for verbs include action words, doing words, and predicate words. Verbs can also be categorized as transitive or intransitive depending on whether they require an object to complete their meaning.

Editor's Summary:

Verbs are an essential part of speech that express actions, events, or states of being in a sentence. They can indicate different tenses and moods and may be transitive or intransitive. It is important to use the correct verb form in order to convey the intended meaning in English sentences.


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