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1. 请用英语怎么说的意思:


The meaning of "请用英语怎么说" is "how to say in English".

2. 怎么读(音标):

The pronunciation of "请用英语怎么说" is [qǐng yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō].

3. 用法:

"请用英语怎么说" is a phrase commonly used when someone wants to know how to say something in English. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1) 我不知道这个词怎么用,请用英语怎么说。(I don't know how to use this word, please tell me how to say it in English.)

2) 我想学习如何表达这个概念,请用英语怎么说。(I want to learn how to express this concept, please show me how to say it in English.)

3) 这个短语有点难以理解,请用英语怎么说。(This phrase is a bit hard to understand, can you explain it in English?)

4) 他不会讲中文,你可以请用英语怎么说吗?(He doesn't speak Chinese, can you please say it in English?)

5) 这个单词很难读,请用英语怎么说。(This word is difficult to pronounce, can you say it in English?)

5. 同义词及用法:

- 如何在英文中表达 (how to express in English)

- 怎样用英语说 (how to say in English)

- 英文怎么说 (how to say in English)

6. 编辑总结:



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