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读音:[wù pàn yīng wén zěn me xiě],音标:/wʊ pæn jɪŋ wɛn zɛn mə ʃiə/


例句1:She often makes mistakes when typing, so her boss always asks her to double check to avoid misjudging English words.(她打字时经常会出错,所以老板总是让她仔细检查,以避免误判英文单词。)

例句2:He was embarrassed when he realized that he had misjudged the spelling of the word "embarrassed".(当他意识到自己误判了单词“embarrassed”的拼写时,他感到很尴尬。)

例句3:The teacher reminded the students to be careful when writing their essays, so as not to make any mistakes in spelling or misjudge any English words.(老师提醒学生在写作文时要小心,以免出现拼写错误或者误判英文单词。)

例句4:If you are not sure about the correct spelling of a word, you can use a dictionary to avoid misjudging it.(如果你不确定一个单词的正确拼写,可以使用词典来避免误判。)

例句5:He often makes funny mistakes when typing, which shows that he has a tendency to misjudge English words.(他打字时经常会出现有趣的错误,这表明他有误判英文单词的倾向。)

同义词及用法:misjudge、misspell、misspelling、spelling error、typo(打字错误)。



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