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1. English is a widely spoken language in the world. 英语是世界上广为使用的语言。

2. Learning a new language can open up new opportunities for you. 学习一门新语言可以为你打开新机会。

3. The use of body language is important in effective communication. 身体语言在有效沟通中很重要。

4. Many people find it difficult to learn a second language as an adult. 许多人成年后学习第二门语言很困难。

5. The language barrier can create misunderstandings between people from different cultures. 语言障碍可能导致不同文化背景的人之间产生误解。


1. Tongue: refers to the ability to speak or write a particular language.

Example: She has a good command of the Spanish tongue.

2. Dialect: a particular form of a language that is specific to a region or social group.

Example: The dialect spoken in this village is different from that in the city.

3. Vernacular: the common spoken language used by people in a particular country or region.

Example: He prefers to write in his native vernacular rather than using formal English.

4. Idiom: a group of words that have a different meaning when used together from the meanings of each individual word.

Example: "It's raining cats and dogs" is an English idiom that means it's raining heavily.

5. Jargon: specialized words or phrases used by a particular profession or group.

Example: The medical jargon used by doctors can be difficult for patients to understand.




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