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识荆是一个汉语词汇,读音为shí jīng,意思是认识、了解、知晓。它的同义词有:认知、知悉、理解等。在使用中,可以作为动词或者名词来使用。


1. 作为动词,指通过学习、观察等方式获取信息,从而达到了解的目的。


- He spent a lot of time studying the local culture to understand the customs of the people.


- In order to better understand the market, we conducted a survey to gather information.


2. 作为名词,指对某个事物或者领域的认知程度。

- His knowledge of Chinese culture is very limited, so he can't fully appreciate the beauty of Chinese calligraphy.


- The company values employees who have a good understanding of the industry.



1. I have known him for many years and I think I know him quite well.


2. It's important to understand the needs and preferences of our target audience.


3. The purpose of this training is to help employees gain a better understanding of the company's goals.


4. As a language model AI, I have a vast knowledge base and can help you understand various ics.


5. The more you read, the more you will understand about the world.



1. 认知:强调通过感知、思考等方式来获取信息,从而形成认识。

- He has a good cognitive ability and can quickly understand complex problems.


- Cognitive psychology studies how people perceive, think, and learn.


2. 知悉:指通过消息、传闻等途径获得信息。

- We were not aware of the changes in the company until we received an email from our boss.


- She was shocked when she became aware of the truth.


3. 理解:指通过思考、分析等方式来领悟事物的含义。

- It takes time to fully understand the complexity of this issue.


- The teacher explained the concept in detail to help students better understand it.





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