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1. Visual and auditory



/ˈvɪʒuəl ənd ˈɔːdətɔːri/


Visual and auditory are two adjectives that describe the senses of sight and hearing, respectively. They are often used together to refer to something that can be experienced through both sight and sound.


1. The museum offers a visual and auditory experience with its interactive exhibits. (博物馆提供了视听体验的互动展览。)

2. The concert was a feast for the senses, with stunning visuals and amazing music. (这场音乐会是一场感官盛宴,有惊人的视觉效果和令人惊叹的音乐。)

3. The new movie promises to be a visual and auditory masterpiece, with its breathtaking special effects and immersive sound design. (这部新电影承诺将成为一部视听杰作,拥有令人惊叹的特效和沉浸式的声音设计。)

4. The audio guide provides both visual and auditory information about the artworks in the gallery. (音频导览为画廊中的艺术品提供了视觉和听觉信息。)

5. The virtual reality game offers players a fully immersive visual and auditory experience. (虚拟现实游戏为玩家提供完全沉浸式的视听体验。)


- Audiovisual: This adjective is often used to describe something that involves both sound and visual elements, such as a presentation or a movie. Example: The company's annual report includes an audiovisual presentation to showcase their achievements.

- Sensory: This adjective refers to anything that relates to the senses, including sight and hearing. It can be used in place of visual and auditory in some contexts. Example: The sensory experience at the theme park was enhanced by the use of special effects and sound effects.


Visual and auditory are two words that are often used together to describe something that can be experienced through both sight and sound. They are commonly used in various contexts, such as art, entertainment, and education. Other similar terms include audiovisual and sensory, which can be used interchangeably in some cases. As an editor or translator, it is important to understand the nuances of these words to accurately convey the intended meaning in different contexts.


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