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Meaning: How to say in English systematically

Pronunciation: [sɪstəˈmætɪkli]


Usage: This phrase is used to indicate that something is done in a methodical and organized manner, following a specific system or pattern.

Example 1: The teacher taught the students how to solve math problems systematically, step by step.


Example 2: The company's success can be attributed to its systematic approach to project management.


Example 3: The scientist conducted her research systematically, collecting data and analyzing it according to a set plan.


Example 4: The book provides a systematic guide on how to improve your memory and concentration.


Example 5: The team followed a systematic process for developing new products, from idea generation to market launch.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Methodically - This adverb means doing something in an orderly and systematic manner. Example: She methodically organized her desk before starting her work.


1. Methodically - 这个副词表示以有序和化的方式做某事。例子:她在开始工作之前有条不紊地整理了她的桌子。

2. Structured - This adjective means having a clear and organized plan or system. Example: The course is structured to help students learn English grammar systematically.

2. Structured - 这个形容词表示有一个明确的、有组织的计划或。例子:这门课程的结构旨在帮助学生地学习英语语法。

3. Sequential - This adjective means following a particular order or sequence. Example: The steps for assembling the furniture should be followed in sequential order.

3. Sequential - 这个形容词表示按照特定的顺序或序列进行。例子:组装家具的步骤应该按照顺序进行。

4. Organized - This adjective means having a systematic and efficient way of doing things. Example: She is known for her organized approach to project management.

4. Organized - 这个形容词表示具有和高效的做事方式。例子:她以其对项目管理的有条不紊的方法而闻名。

5. Logical - This adjective means following a sensible and orderly pattern or sequence. Example: The logical progression of the story kept the readers engaged.

5. Logical - 这个形容词表示遵循合理和有序的模式或顺序。例子:故事的逻辑推进使读者保持了兴趣。

Editor's Summary:

In summary, "systematically" refers to doing something in an organized and methodical manner, following a specific plan or system. It can be used in various contexts, such as in education, business, and research. Some other words that have a similar meaning are "methodically", "structured", "sequential", "organized", and "logical". As an editor, it is important to ensure that the usage of this word is appropriate and adds value to the content.


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