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When steel fragments with magnetism are cut by cutting tools, they can be attracted by a magnet.



/biːn ˈʃɑːtəd ˈtuːlz kʌt ɪntuː æv mægnɪtɪk stiːl frægmənts kən biː ətˈtræktɪd baɪ ə ˈmægnɪt/


This phrase is used to describe the magnetic properties of steel fragments that have been cut by tools. It highlights the fact that these fragments can be easily attracted by a magnet due to their magnetic nature.

Example Sentences:

1. The mechanic used a cutting tool to shape the steel piece and now the steel fragments can be attracted by a magnet.


2. When the metal bar was cut, it produced small steel fragments that were highly magnetic and could be easily picked up by a magnet.


3. The industrial process involves cutting large pieces of steel into smaller fragments which are then sorted based on their magnetic properties.


4. The scrap metal yard collects steel fragments that have been cut by various tools and then uses a powerful magnet to separate them from other non-magnetic materials.


5. The magnetic properties of the steel fragments made it easy for the workers to clean up the workshop after using cutting tools.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Magnetic steel fragments - This phrase can be used interchangeably with "steel fragments with magnetism".

2. Attracted by a magnet - This phrase can be replaced with "drawn towards a magnet" or "pulled by a magnet".

3. Cutting tools - Other terms that can be used instead are "cutting equipment" or "machinery for cutting".

4. Magnetism - This can also be referred to as "magnetic force" or simply "magnet".

5. Steel pieces - Another way to describe these fragments is "metal scraps".

Editor's Summary:

This phrase describes the magnetic properties of steel fragments that have been cut by tools, highlighting their ability to be attracted by a magnet. It is commonly used in industrial settings where steel is cut into smaller pieces for various purposes. Some synonyms and alternative phrases can be used to avoid repetition and add variety to the language. Overall, this phrase is useful in explaining the behavior of steel fragments when they are exposed to magnets after being cut by tools.


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