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Itinerary Time Curve


/ai'tinərəri taɪm kɜrv/





1. The itinerary time curve for our trip to Europe was carefully planned to make the most of our time there. (我们去欧洲旅行的行程时间曲线经过精心规划,以最大限度利用我们在那里的时间。)

2. The itinerary time curve showed that we would have 2 hours to explore the city before our flight. (行程时间曲线显示我们会有2小时的时间在飞机起飞前探索这个城市。)

3. As a travel agent, it is important to create a detailed itinerary time curve for your clients to ensure a smooth and efficient trip. (作为一名旅游代理人,为客户制定详细的行程时间曲线非常重要,以确保旅行顺利高效。)

4. The itinerary time curve for the conference includes a networking session and a keynote speech by a renowned speaker. (的行程时间曲线包括社交活动和著名演讲家的主题演讲。)

5. According to the itinerary time curve, we will have some free time in the afternoon to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery. (根据行程时间曲线,下午我们会有一些自由时间放松身心,欣赏美丽的风景。)


1. Schedule: This word can also be used to refer to a planned time for events or activities, but it is more general and does not necessarily include a graphical representation like the itinerary time curve.

2. Timetable: This is another word for a schedule or plan of events, but it is often used in the context of transportation, such as a train or bus timetable.

3. Agenda: This term usually refers to a list of items to be discussed or addressed in a meeting, but it can also be used to describe a plan for an event or trip.

4. Program: Similar to an itinerary, this word can also refer to a planned sequence of events or activities, but it is more commonly used for organized events like concerts or conferences.

5. Route Map: While not exactly synonymous with itinerary time curve, this term refers to a visual representation of a travel route and can be used in conjunction with an itinerary to provide more detailed information.




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