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1. English: Incest


2. Pronunciation: [ˈɪnsest]

3. Definition: The act of engaging in sexual relations with a family member, typically considered taboo and illegal.

4. Example Sentences:

1) He was arrested for committing incest with his younger sister.


2) In some cultures, incest is considered a grave sin and is strictly forbidden.


3) The royal family was scandalized when rumors of incest between siblings surfaced.


4) The novel explores the psychological effects of incest on a family.


5) In some cases, children who are victims of incest may suffer from long-term trauma and emotional distress.


5. Synonyms:

- Sexual abuse within the family

- Inbreeding

- Consanguinity

- Intergenerational sex

- Familial sexual abuse

Usage Note:

Incest is a serious offense that is punishable by law in many countries. It can result in severe psychological and emotional harm to the victims, as well as damage to familial relationships. It is important for individuals to understand the gravity of this act and seek help if they or someone they know is a victim of incest.


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