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1. 虚拟股市 (Virtual Stock Market)

2. [ˈvərtʃuəl stɑk ˈmɑrkɪt]

3. 虚拟股市是指通过电子交易进行模拟交易的金融市场。在虚拟股市中,投资者可以使用虚拟资金购买和出售股票、期货、外汇等金融产品,以模拟真实的交易环境,从而提高自己的投资技巧和经验。


4. 例句:

1) 在虚拟股市上,投资者可以通过模拟交易来学习如何制定有效的投资策略。

On the virtual stock market, investors can learn how to develop effective investment strategies through simulated trading.

2) 虚拟股市为投资者提供了一个安全的,在不冒险损失真实资金的情况下进行投资。

The virtual stock market provides a safe platform for investors to trade without risking real money.

3) 许多大学生喜欢参加虚拟股市比赛,以锻炼自己的金融知识和技能。

Many college students enjoy participating in virtual stock market competitions to hone their financial knowledge and skills.

4) 虚拟股市也被用作教学工具,帮助学生们更好地理解金融市场运作原理。

Virtual stock markets are also used as teaching tools to help students better understand the workings of financial markets.

5) 虚拟股市的交易结果并不真实市场的表现,投资者应该谨慎对待虚拟交易中获得的收益。

The trading results on virtual stock markets do not reflect the performance of real markets, and investors should be cautious about the profits gained from virtual trading.


1. 模拟股市 (Simulated Stock Market)

2. 虚拟交易 (Virtual Trading Platform)

3. 虚拟证券交易 (Virtual Securities Trading)

4. 模拟投资 (Simulated Investment)

5. 虚拟金融市场 (Virtual Financial Market)




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