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The meaning of "虔诚" in English is devout, which means having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment.




"虔诚" is an adjective that can be used to describe a person's attitude or behavior towards religion. It can also be used to describe something that is related to religion.


1. She was a devout Christian and attended church every Sunday. (她是一个虔诚的基督徒,每个星期天都会去教堂。)

2. The monks prayed with devout fervor. (僧侣们带着虔诚的热情祷告。)

3. He showed his devoutness by making a pilgrimage to Mecca. (他通过朝圣麦加来表现自己的虔诚。)

4. The villagers gathered in the temple for a devout ceremony. (村民们聚集在寺庙里参加一场虔诚的仪式。)

5. Her faith was so strong and devout that it inspired others around her. (她的信仰是如此坚定和虔诚,激励着她周围的人。)


Some synonyms for "devout" include pious, religious, faithful, devoted, and reverent.

- Pious: having or showing a deep respect for God and religion.

- Religious: relating to or believing in a particular religion.

- Faithful: loyal and committed to a particular religion.

- Devoted: very loving or loyal.

- Reverent: showing deep respect and admiration for someone or something.


In summary, "虔诚" is an adjective that describes a strong religious commitment or deep respect for religion. It can be used to describe a person's attitude or behavior, as well as things related to religion. Some synonyms for "devout" include pious, religious, faithful, devoted, and reverent. Remember to use the correct pronunciation [dəˈvout] when using this word in English.


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