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Blue-green algae


/ˌbluː ˌɡriːn ˈældʒi/





1. Blue-green algae can be found in many different aquatic environments, such as lakes, rivers, and ponds. 蓝绿藻可以在许多不同的水域环境中找到,比如湖泊、河流和池塘。

2. The presence of blue-green algae in a body of water can indicate high levels of nutrients and potentially harmful toxins. 水体中存在蓝绿藻可能意味着高浓度的营养物质和潜在的有害毒素。

3. Some species of blue-green algae are used in the production of food and dietary supplements due to their high protein and nutrient content. 由于其高含量的蛋白质和营养物质,一些蓝绿藻品种被用于食品和膳食补充剂的生产。

4. The blue-green color of these algae is caused by the presence of pigments called phycocyanin and chlorophyll. 蓝绿藻的颜色是由叫做藻蓝蛋白和叶绿素的色素所致。

5. Some types of blue-green algae can form harmful algal blooms, which can have negative impacts on the environment and human health. 一些类型的蓝绿藻可以形成有害的水华,对环境和人类健康造成负面影响。


1. Cyanobacteria - another term used to refer to blue-green algae, as they are a type of bacteria that can photosynthesize like plants.

2. Microalgae - a general term for any type of microscopic algae, including blue-green algae.

3. Pond scum - a colloquial term for the layer of green or blue-green algae that can form on the surface of stagnant water bodies.

4. Algal bloom - an overgrowth of algae, including blue-green algae, that can occur in bodies of water and potentially cause harm.

5. Spirulina - a type of blue-green algae often used as a nutritional supplement due to its high protein content.




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