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英语音标(English Phonetics)是英语中的音标,用于表示英语中的发音。它由国际音标(IPA)和英式音标(RP)组成,是学习和教授英语发音的重要工具。







1. symbol [ˈsɪmbəl] (n.) - a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process.

例句:The dove is often seen as a symbol of peace. (鸽子常被视为和平的象征。)

2. rhythm [ˈrɪðəm] (n.) - a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound.

例句:The rhythm of the drums filled the air. (鼓声充满了空气。)

3. pronunciation [prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn] (n.) - the way in which a word or language is spoken.

例句:She has a clear and precise pronunciation. (她的发音清晰准确。)

4. consonant [ˈkɑːnsənənt] (n.) - a basic speech sound in which the breath is at least partly obstructed and which can be combined with a vowel to form a syllable.

例句:The word "cat" has three consonants and one vowel. (单词“cat”有三个辅音和一个元音。)

5. intonation [ˌɪntəˈneɪʃn] (n.) - the rise and fall of the voice in speaking.

例句:Her intonation made it clear that she was asking a question. (她的语调表明她在问问题。)


1. phonetics [fəˈnetɪks] (n.) - the study and classification of speech sounds.

例句:Phonetics is an important part of linguistics. (语音学是语言学的重要组成部分。)

2. articulation [ɑːrtɪkjəˈleɪʃn] (n.) - the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech.

例句:Proper articulation is essential for effective communication. (正确的发音对有效沟通至关重要。)

3. diction [dɪkʃn] (n.) - the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing.

例句:The poet's diction is simple yet powerful. (诗人的措辞简单却有力。)

4. enunciation [ɪˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn] (n.) - the act of pronouncing words or sounds clearly and distinctly.

例句:Her enunciation was so clear that everyone could understand her. (她的发音如此清晰,每个人都能听懂她。)

5. accent [ˈæksənt] (n.) - a distinctive way of pronouncing a language, especially one associated with a particular country, region, or social class.

例句:She has a strong British accent. (她有浓重的英国口音。)




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