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The English subjunctive mood is used to express hypothetical or unreal situations, wishes, and commands. It is typically signaled by the use of the word "if" or by the use of certain verbs such as "wish," "suggest," or "demand." In this dictionary entry, we will explore how to use the subjunctive mood in English.


英 [ˌsʌbdʒʌŋktɪv ˈmuːd]



The subjunctive mood is used in three main ways: to express hypothetical situations, to express wishes or desires, and to give commands. Let's take a closer look at each of these uses.

1. Hypothetical Situations

In English, the subjunctive mood is often used to talk about situations that are not real or have not yet happened. This can include things like possibilities, doubts, and wishes. It is usually introduced by the word "if" and followed by a past tense verb.

Example: If I were rich, I would travel the world.

Translation: 如果我有钱,我会周游世界。

2. Wishes or Desires

The subjunctive mood can also be used to express wishes or desires that are unlikely or impossible to come true. In this case, it is often introduced by verbs such as "wish," "hope," or "desire" and followed by a past tense verb.

Example: I wish I were taller.

Translation: 我希望我能长高一点。

3. Commands

In some cases, the subjunctive mood can also be used to give commands in a formal way. This is often seen in legal documents or official statements.

Example: It is demanded that all students arrive on time for class.

Translation: 要求所有学生准时上课。


There are a few different ways to express the subjunctive mood in English. One common way is to use the past tense form of the verb, as shown in the examples above. Another way is to use the modal verb "would" followed by the base form of the verb.

Example: If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.

Translation: 如果我中了,我会买一栋大房子。


In conclusion, the subjunctive mood in English is used to express hypothetical or unreal situations, wishes, and commands. It is introduced by words such as "if" or certain verbs like "wish," and can be expressed using past tense verbs or modal verbs. Remember to use this mood carefully and appropriately in your writing and speaking.


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