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1. One: [wʌn]


Meaning: the number 1

Usage: Used to represent a single entity or quantity.

Example sentence: There is only one apple left on the tree. (只剩下一个苹果在树上。)

Synonyms: Single, solo, individual, sole.

Editor's summary: One is the first number in the counting sequence and represents a single entity or quantity.

2. Two: [tuː]

Meaning: the number 2

Usage: Used to represent a quantity of two.

Example sentence: There are two dogs playing in the park. (有两只狗在公园玩耍。)

Synonyms: Pair, duo, couple, twin.

Editor's summary: Two is the second number in the counting sequence and represents a quantity of two.

3. Three: [θriː]

Meaning: the number 3

Usage: Used to represent a quantity of three.

Example sentence: My son is turning three years old next month. (我儿子下个月要三岁了。)

Synonyms: Trio, triplet, threesome, triad.

Editor's summary: Three is the third number in the counting sequence and represents a quantity of three.

4. Four: [fɔːr]

Meaning: the number 4

Usage: Used to represent a quantity of four.

Example sentence: I have four siblings. (我有四个兄弟姐妹。)

Synonyms: Quartet, quadruplet, quadruple, tetrad.

Editor's summary: Four is the fourth number in the counting sequence and represents a quantity of four.

5. Five:[faɪv]

Meaning:the number 5

Usage:Used to represent a quantity of five.

Example sentence: There are five fingers on each hand. (每只手有五根手指。)

Synonyms: Quintet, quintuplet, quintuple, pentad.

Editor's summary: Five is the fifth number in the counting sequence and represents a quantity of five.


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