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1. innocence是什么意思?的解释:


2. innocence是什么意思?读音读法:

innocence的读音为 [ˈɪnəsəns],重音在第二个音节。其中的“c”发[k]音,而不是[c]。在美国英语中,也可以发[ˈɪnəsins]。

3. innocence是什么意思?的用例:

(1) He was arrested and charged with a crime he didn't commit, but his innocence was proven in court.

(2) The children's innocence made them believe in the existence of Santa Claus.

(3) She couldn't believe the cruel world would take away her innocence so quickly.

(4) The artist's work often reflects the beauty and purity of innocence.

(5) The detective was determined to uncover the truth and prove the suspect's innocence.

4. innocence是什么意思?组词:

- innocent (adj.) 无罪的;天真无邪的

- innocently (adv.) 无辜地;天真地

- innocuous (adj.) 无害的;无毒的

- innocent-looking (adj.) 看起来天真无邪的

- guilt-innocence (n.) 罪与无罪

5. innocence是什么意思?的中英文对照:

innocence (n.) 无罪、清白、天真无邪

- Chinese: 无辜、清白、天真无邪

- French: innocence (f.)

- Spanish: inocencia (f.)

- German: Unschuld (f.)



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