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Word: Abundant

Pronunciation: /əˈbʌndənt/

Usage: adjective

Definition: existing or available in large quantities; plentiful


Example 1: The garden was abundant with colorful flowers. (花园里有很多五颜六色的花。)

Example 2: The country is abundant in natural resources. (这个拥有丰富的自然资源。)

Example 3: The buffet was abundant with a variety of dishes. (自助餐厅里有各种各样的菜肴。)

Example 4: The ocean is abundant with marine life. (海洋里有丰富的海洋生物。)

Example 5: Her writing is abundant with vivid descriptions. (她的写作中充满了生动的描述。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Plentiful - having a large or adequate amount; more than enough

- Example: The market was plentiful with fresh fruits and vegetables.


2. Ample - enough or more than enough; plentiful

- Example: They have an ample supply of food for the winter.


3. Copious - abundant in supply or quantity; more than enough

- Example: She took copious notes during the lecture.


4. Profuse - produced or given in large amounts; extravagant

- Example: He received profuse praise for his performance.


5. Bountiful - large in quantity; abundant

- Example: The harvest this year was bountiful.


Editor's Summary:

Abundant is an adjective used to describe something that exists or is available in large quantities. It can be used to describe physical objects, resources, or even abstract concepts such as writing. Synonyms for abundant include plentiful, ample, copious, profuse, and bountiful. Remember to use this word when you want to emphasize the abundance or plenty of something.


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