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The meaning of "苍空" in English is "sky" or "heaven".



The pronunciation of "苍空" is /sæŋ kʊŋ/.


"苍空" is a noun and can be used to refer to the atmosphere above the earth, where clouds and weather conditions occur. It can also be used to describe a vast and open space, often with a sense of awe or reverence.


1. The birds flew high into the 苍空, disappearing into the clouds. (鸟儿飞向高高的苍空,消失在云层中。)

2. The stars twinkled in the 苍空 above us. (星星在我们上方的苍空闪烁。)

3. The ancient Greeks believed that their gods lived on Mount Olympus, high in the 苍空. (古希腊人相信他们的神住在奥林匹斯山,高处的苍空。)

4. As we climbed higher, the view of the vast 苍空 opened up before us. (当我们爬得更高时,广阔的苍空景色展现在我们面前。)

5. The artist's painting captured the beauty and majesty of the 苍空 at sunset. (艺术家的画作捕捉到了日落时分苍空的美丽和威严。)


Some synonyms for "苍空" are "sky", "heavens", "firmament", and "vault of heaven". They can all be used to refer to the expanse of space above the earth.


In summary, "苍空" is a beautiful and poetic word that can be used to describe the vastness and wonder of the sky or heavens. Its use can evoke a sense of awe and reverence for the natural world around us.


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