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1. 节哀顺变

2. [dʒiːt æɪ ʃʌn bɪˈreɪv]

3. phrase


4. 1) Please accept my condolences on the loss of your loved one. (请接受我对你失去亲人的哀悼。)

2) We are sorry to hear about your loss, and we hope you can find comfort in this difficult time. (我们很遗憾听到你的损失,希望你能在这个困难的时刻找到安慰。)

3) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time of grief. (在这悲痛的时刻,我的思念和祈祷与你和你的家人同在。)

4) May the memories of your loved one bring you peace and comfort. (愿你所爱之人的回忆给你带来平静和安慰。)

5) I am here for you if you need anything or just someone to talk to. (如果你需要任何帮助或只是想找人倾诉,我都会在这里陪伴着你。)

5. condolence, sympathy, solace

6. 编辑总结:节哀顺变是一种表达对别人悲痛和失去的同情和安慰的方式,通常用于表示对某人去世或遭遇不幸的情况。它可以表达出我们的关心和支持,并希望对方能够在这段艰难的时期找到安慰和平静。使用节哀顺变这一短语可以表达出我们对他人的尊重和体贴,同时也能够帮助我们与他人建立更加亲密的关系。


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