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Translation of "船到桥头自然直." in English:

"船到桥头自然直." is a Chinese idiom that means "the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge", which is used to describe a situation where things will naturally fall into place without any effort.


Pronunciation: chuán dào qiáotóu zìrán zhí. (ch-wahn dah-oh ch-yow-toh dz-ran jee)

Usage: This idiom is often used to encourage someone to be patient and trust that things will work out in the end.

Example sentences:

1. Don't worry too much about your job interview, just remember "船到桥头自然直.", everything will be fine. (不要太担心你的面试,记住“船到桥头自然直.”,一切都会好起来的。)

2. I know you're worried about your exam results, but just keep studying and remember "船到桥头自然直.", you'll do well. (我知道你担心考试成绩,但是继续学习并记住“船到桥头自然直.”,你会做得很好的。)

3. Sometimes we just need to trust that "船到桥头自然直." and let things happen on their own. (有时候我们只需要相信“船到桥头自然直.”,让事情顺其自然。)

4. Don't force it, just let it go and remember "船到桥头自然直.", everything will work out eventually. (不要勉强,放手并记住“船到桥头自然直.”,一切最终都会解决的。)

5. As the saying goes, "船到桥头自然直.", so just relax and let things unfold naturally. (俗话说,“船到桥头自然直.”,所以放松心情,让事情自然发展。)

Synonyms and usage: Another similar idiom in Chinese is "水到渠成" (shuǐ dào qú chéng), which means "water will flow into the canal", and has a similar meaning of things falling into place naturally without any effort. Both idioms can be used interchangeably.

Editor's summary: "船到桥头自然直." is a popular Chinese idiom that encourages patience and trust in the natural flow of things. It can be used in various situations to remind someone to let go and let things happen on their own. It has a similar meaning to the idiom "水到渠成".


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