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Appointment Letter


/əˈpɔɪntmənt ˈletər/





1. I am pleased to offer you the position of Marketing Manager at our company. (我很高兴邀请你加入我们公司担任市场经理。)

2. Your appointment letter will be sent to you via email and will contain all the necessary details regarding your employment. (您的聘书将通过电子邮件发送给您,并包含有关您就业的所有必要细节。)

3. Please sign and return the appointment letter to us within 5 working days if you accept this offer. (如果你接受这个职位,请在5个工作日内签署并将聘书退回给我们。)

4. The appointment letter serves as a legal document between the employer and employee, outlining the terms and conditions of employment. (聘书是雇主和员工之间的法律文件,概述就业条款和条件。)

5. The candidate was thrilled to receive his appointment letter, as it was his dream job at a prestigious company. (这位候选人收到他的聘书感到非常兴奋,因为这是他梦寐以求的一份工作,而且是在一家知名公司。)


1. Job Offer - This term is often used interchangeably with appointment letter, as it also refers to a formal invitation to join a company or accept a specific job role.

2. Employment Contract - Similar to an appointment letter, this is a written agreement between an employer and employee, outlining the terms and conditions of employment.

3. Letter of Engagement - This is another term for an appointment letter, often used in the context of freelance or temporary work where the employee is not hired on a permanent basis.

4. Offer Letter - This can also be used as a synonym for appointment letter, as it refers to the formal offer of employment from a company.

5. Confirmation Letter - In some cases, an appointment letter may be referred to as a confirmation letter, especially when there has been prior communication or negotiation regarding the job offer.




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