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Word: Abundant

Pronunciation: /əˈbʌndənt/


Definition: Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.

Example 1: The garden was abundant with flowers of all colors. (花园里到处都是五颜六色的花朵。)

Example 2: The country is abundant in natural resources. (这个拥有丰富的自然资源。)

Example 3: The supermarket has an abundant supply of fresh produce. (超市里有大量新鲜农产品供应。)

Example 4: She has an abundant knowledge of history. (她对历史有着丰富的知识。)

Example 5: The ocean is abundant with marine life. (海洋中到处都是丰富的海洋生物。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Plentiful - having a large or adequate amount; more than enough.

Example: There is a plentiful supply of food at the party.

同义词:abundant, ample, copious, generous, bountiful.

2. Ample - enough or more than enough; plentiful.

Example: He has ample experience to handle this project.

同义词:plentiful, abundant, sufficient, adequate, plenty.

3. Copious - abundant in supply or quantity.

Example: She took copious notes during the lecture.

同义词:abundant, plentiful, profuse, lavish, extensive.

4. Generous - giving more than is necessary or expected; showing kindness and concern for others.

Example: He is very generous with his time and money.

同义词:benevolent, kind, charitable, philanthropic, magnanimous.

5. Bountiful - large in quantity; abundant.

Example: The bountiful harvest brought joy to the farmers.

同义词:abundant, plentiful, copious, generous, ample.

Editor's Summary:

Abundant is an adjective that describes something that exists or is available in large quantities. It can be used to describe physical objects or abstract concepts such as knowledge or resources. Synonyms for abundant include plentiful, ample, copious, generous, and bountiful. It is important to note that while these words have similar meanings, they may have slightly different connotations and usage contexts. As a language editor or translator, it is important to understand the nuances of words and choose the most appropriate synonym for a particular context.


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