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Word: Adversity


Pronunciation: /ədˈvərsədi/


Adversity refers to a difficult or challenging situation, event, or condition that one faces in life.


Adversity can be used as a noun to describe a difficult situation or as an adjective to describe something that is causing difficulty.

Example Sentences:

1. In the face of adversity, she remained strong and determined.


2. The team overcame many adversities to win the championship.


3. He has faced a lot of adversity in his life, but he never gave up.


4. The company is facing financial adversity due to the economic downturn.


5. Adversity builds character and resilience.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Hardship - similar to adversity, refers to a difficult or challenging situation

2. Misfortune - refers to bad luck or unfortunate events

3. Difficulty - can be used interchangeably with adversity, refers to something that is hard to do or deal with

4. Struggle - refers to making great efforts in the face of difficulties

5. Obstacle - an object or situation that blocks one's path and makes it harder to achieve something

Editor's Summary:

Adversity is a common experience in life that can be difficult and challenging but also provides opportunities for growth and development of character. It is often used in inspirational quotes and speeches to encourage people to overcome difficulties and become stronger individuals. Synonyms such as hardship and struggle can be used to convey a similar meaning. Remember that adversity is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable, /vərsədi/, and not on the first syllable, /ædˈvərsədi/.


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