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Word: Serendipity


Pronunciation: [ser-uhn-dip-i-tee]

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

Example Sentences:

1. Serendipity led me to discover my passion for photography when I stumbled upon an old camera at a garage sale. (机缘巧合让我在一个旧货拍卖会上了我对摄影的热爱。)

2. The serendipitous meeting with my childhood friend on the streets of Paris made my trip even more memorable. (在巴黎街头偶遇童年朋友,让我的旅行更加难忘。)

3. Sometimes, the best things in life come from serendipity rather than careful planning. (有时候,生活中最美好的事情来自于机缘巧合,而不是精心计划。)

4. It was pure serendipity that I found the perfect dress for my cousin's wedding while browsing through a vintage store. (在浏览古董店时,我偶然了姐姐婚礼的完美礼服,真是太幸运了。)

5. The invention of penicillin is often cited as one of the most famous examples of serendipity in scientific history. (青霉素的发明常被引用为科学史上最著名的机缘巧合之一。)


1. Chance - happening by luck or accident rather than design

2. Fortuity - a chance occurrence or accident

3. Happenstance - something that happens by chance, especially a pleasant surprise

4. Providence - the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power

5. Fluke - an unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck

Editor's Summary:

Serendipity is a beautiful word that refers to the unexpected and fortunate discoveries or events that occur by chance. It reminds us to embrace the unpredictable moments in life and appreciate the beauty of coincidence. This word can be used in various contexts, from describing happy accidents to scientific breakthroughs. Its synonyms also convey similar meanings, but each has its own unique nuance. As an editor, I believe serendipity is an essential word to add to one's vocabulary as it captures the magic and wonder of life's surprises.


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