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Meaning: How to Write a Summary of Crimes in English

Pronunciation: /krʌɪmz sʌməri ɪn ɪŋglɪʃ/

Usage: The phrase "crime summary" refers to a concise and comprehensive overview of a criminal act or behavior. It is often used in legal documents, news articles, and criminal investigations.


Example Sentences:

1. The police officer presented a detailed crime summary to the court.


2. The newspaper published a crime summary of the recent burglary in the neighborhood.


3. The detective's crime summary helped in identifying the suspect.


4. The prosecutor presented a compelling crime summary during the trial.


5. The crime summary revealed several key pieces of evidence that led to the conviction of the accused.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Criminal Synopsis - This term can be used interchangeably with "crime summary" and has a similar meaning.

2. Offense Overview - This phrase refers specifically to an overview of a criminal offense and can be used as an alternative to "crime summary."

3. Delinquency Digest - This term is often used in juvenile justice systems and refers to a concise report summarizing delinquent behavior or crimes committed by a minor.

4. Felony Brief - This phrase is commonly used in legal settings and refers to a brief summary of a felony crime.

5. Misdemeanor Outline - This term is used to describe a summary of a misdemeanor offense and can be used as an alternative to "crime summary."

Editor's Summary:

In conclusion, the phrase "crime summary" is commonly used in legal and media contexts to refer to a concise overview of a criminal act or behavior. It is important for writers and editors to accurately summarize the key details of the crime while avoiding bias or sensationalism. Other terms such as "criminal synopsis" and "offense overview" can also be used interchangeably with "crime summary."


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