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1. incumbent是指某个职位或者职责当前由某人担任或者执行的,也可以指某个公司或者组织目前在某个市场或者行业中占据主导地位的。:The incumbent president is seeking re-election.(现任正在寻求连任。)

2. incumbent的读音为[inˈkʌmbənt],读作“in-kum-buhnt”,重音在第二个音节上。

3. 用例:

例句1:The incumbent CEO has been leading the company for over 10 years.


例句2:The incumbent party is facing tough competition in the upcoming election.


例句3:As the incumbent champion, he has a lot of pressure to defend his title.


例句4:The incumbent company dominates the market with its innovative products.


例句5:It is the responsibility of the incumbent government to address the country's economic issues.


4. 组词:

- incumbency (n.) 在职期间

- incumbently (adv.) 在职期间地

- incumbents (n.) 在职者,现任者

- incumbency rate (n.) 在职率,现任率

- incumbent party (n.) 现任政党

- incumbent president (n.) 现任

5. incumbent的中英文对照:





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