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multifaceted talent



/ˌmʌltiˈfæsɪtɪd ˈtælənt/


Multifaceted talent refers to a person who possesses a diverse range of skills and abilities in various areas. This type of talent is highly sought after in today's competitive job market, as it allows individuals to adapt and excel in different roles and industries.


1. She is a true multifaceted talent, excelling in both music and business.


2. As a multifaceted talent, he has proven himself to be a great asset to our company.


3. The job requires someone with multifaceted talents, as it involves both creative and analytical skills.


4. The company is looking for multifaceted talents who can handle various tasks efficiently.


5. Her multifaceted talents have allowed her to succeed in different industries throughout her career.



- Versatile: having many talents or abilities, able to adapt easily to different tasks or roles

- All-rounder: a person with many skills and abilities in different areas

- Polymath: a person with knowledge and expertise in many different subjects

- Jack-of-all-trades: a person with many skills, but not necessarily an expert in any one area


Multifaceted talent is a highly desirable trait in today's fast-paced and ever-changing job market. It refers to individuals who possess a diverse range of skills and abilities, allowing them to excel in various roles and industries. This type of talent is often sought after by companies as it brings adaptability, versatility, and innovation to the workplace. As such, individuals who possess multifaceted talents have a competitive advantage in their careers.


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