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1. insurance是一种保险,指的是由保险公司提供的一种金融服务,以便在发生意外或风险时为客户提供经济补偿或保障。

2. insurance的读音为[in-ˈʃʊər-əns],发音类似于“in-shoor-uhns”。

3. insurance的用例:

例句1:I have to buy travel insurance before my trip, just in case anything happens.

例句2:The company offers health insurance as part of its benefits package for employees.

例句3:Homeowners are required to have insurance in case of any damage to their property.

例句4:Car insurance is mandatory in most countries to ensure drivers are financially covered in accidents.

例句5:Many people invest in life insurance to provide financial support for their loved ones after they pass away.

4. insurance的组词:

- car insurance(汽车保险)

- health insurance(医疗保险)

- life insurance(人寿保险)

- property insurance(财产保险)

- travel insurance(旅行保险)

5. insurance的中英文对照:





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