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The meaning of 绑缚用英语怎么说 (bǎng fù yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō) is to bind or restrain someone or something.


bǎng fù yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō (báng fù yòng yīng yǔ zěn mə ʃuó)


绑缚用英语怎么说 is a Chinese phrase that is often used to describe the act of binding or restraining someone or something. It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts.


1. 我被绑缚住了,无法动弹。

I was bound and unable to move.

2. 这个的人民被贫困所绑缚。

The people of this country are bound by poverty.

3. 我们必须解除自己心中的恐惧,才能摆脱束缚。

We must release ourselves from the fear that binds us.

4. 他们用绳子把小偷绑缚起来。

They tied up the thief with a rope.

5. 她的梦想被现实所束缚,无法实现。

Her dreams were bound by reality and could not be realized.


1. 捆绑 (kǔn bǎng): to bind, tie up

2. 束缚 (shù fù): to restrict, restrain

3. 约束 (yuē shù): to constrain, limit

4. 捆扎 (kǔn zhā): to tie, fasten

5. 禁锢 (jìn gù): to imprison, confine


绑缚用英语怎么说 is a commonly used Chinese phrase that refers to the act of binding or restraining someone or something. It can be used in various contexts and has similar meanings to other synonyms such as 捆绑, 束缚, 约束, 捆扎 and 禁锢. As a language editor, it is important to understand the nuances and usage of different words in order to effectively translate and convey the intended meaning in English.


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