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1,junior是指年龄、职位或地位较低的人或事物。:She is a junior member of the team.(她是团队中的一名初级成员。)


3,junior作为形容词时,表示“年轻的,初级的”,作为名词时,表示“年轻人,初级职位”。例句1:He is a junior employee in the company.(他是公司里一名初级员工。)例句2:The junior students are having a sports competition.(初中生正在进行运动会。)例句3:My sister is my junior by three years.(我妹妹比我小三岁。)例句4:The new junior executive was eager to prove himself.(这位新来的初级主管渴望证明自己。)例句5:I am not as experienced as my senior colleagues, I am still a junior in this field.(我没有我的前辈同事们那么有经验,在这个领域我还只是一个初学者。)

4,组词:junior high school (初中)、junior varsity (预备队)、junior partner (小伙伴)、junior doctor (住院医师)、junior league (青年联盟)


junior - 年轻的;初级的

junior - 年轻人;初级职位

She is a junior member of the team. - 她是团队中的一名初级成员。

He is a junior employee in the company. - 他是公司里一名初级员工。

The junior students are having a sports competition. - 初中生正在进行运动会。

My sister is my junior by three years. - 我妹妹比我小三岁。

The new junior executive was eager to prove himself. - 这位新来的初级主管渴望证明自己。

I am not as experienced as my senior colleagues, I am still a junior in this field. - 我没有我的前辈同事们那么有经验,在这个领域我还只是一个初学者。



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