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The meaning of "粗大用英语怎么说" in English is "how to say something in a coarse manner using English".



Pronunciation: /kʊd ˈdeɪ/


"粗大用英语怎么说" is a phrase commonly used when someone wants to express something in a rough or blunt way using the English language. It can also be used as a question, asking for the appropriate way to convey a message in English without being too polite or refined.


1. She asked me how to say "I don't care" in English, and I replied with "粗大用英语怎么说".


2. He always uses harsh language when talking to his subordinates, saying things like "粗大用英语怎么说,你就是没做好工作!"


3. Can you teach me how to say "I hate you" in English? I want to express my anger more coarsely.


4. The boss was not happy with the report and said "粗大用英语怎么说,这份报告根本就是垃圾!"


5. She has a habit of using coarse language when she gets angry, often saying things like "粗大用英语怎么说,我才不管你的借口呢!"



1. Bluntly (adv.): in a direct and honest manner, without trying to be polite or kind.

Example: He told me bluntly that I was not good enough for the job.

2. Roughly (adv.): in an approximate or imprecise manner.

Example: Can you give me a rough translation of this document?

3. Coarsely (adv.): in a vulgar or crude manner.

Example: She laughed coarsely at his joke.

4. Abruptly (adv.): in an abrupt or sudden manner.

Example: He ended the meeting abruptly, leaving everyone confused.

5. Harshly (adv.): in a severe or unkind manner.

Example: The teacher spoke harshly to the students who were misbehaving.


In conclusion, "粗大用英语怎么说" is a useful phrase to express something in a coarse or rough way using the English language. It is commonly used in situations where being polite or refined is not necessary and a more direct approach is preferred. Other similar words such as "bluntly", "roughly", and "coarsely" can also be used depending on the context. As an editor, it is important to understand the appropriate usage of these words and phrases to effectively communicate in English.


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