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air advertising


/ɛr ˈædvərˌtaɪzɪŋ/





1. Air advertising is a unique way to promote your brand and reach a large audience. 空中广告是一种独特的方式来推广您的品牌并触达大量观众。

2. The company used air advertising to promote their new product launch, and it was a huge success. 公司利用空中广告来推广他们的新产品发布会,取得了巨大成功。

3. Air advertising is becoming increasingly popular, especially in major cities where there is high foot traffic. 空中广告越来越受欢迎,尤其是在人流量高的大城市。

4. The sight of an air advertisement flying across the sky always catches people's attention. 看到一架空中广告飞过天空总能吸引人们的注意力。

5. Many companies choose air advertising as part of their marketing strategy due to its high visibility and impact. 许多公司选择将空中广告作为营销策略的一部分,因为它具有很高的可见性和影响力。


1. Skyvertising - a combination of "sky" and "advertising", refers to the practice of promoting products or services through aerial displays.

2. Aerial advertising - similar to air advertising, refers to the use of aircrafts to display banners or signs for promotional purposes.

3. Banner towing - a type of aerial advertising where a banner is attached to an airplane and flown over a specific location.

4. Blimp advertising - the use of blimps or airships to display advertisements, often seen at major sporting events or concerts.

5. Helicopter banner advertising - similar to banner towing, but uses a helicopter instead of an airplane.




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