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Meaning: The meaning of the article is to introduce the role of a web dictionary editor and translator, and to provide an example of a dictionary entry for a word or phrase.

Pronunciation: /ˈwɛb ˈdɪkʃən(ə)ri ˈɛdɪtər/


Usage: A web dictionary editor and translator is responsible for creating and updating entries in an online dictionary. They must have a strong understanding of the language they are translating from and into, as well as knowledge of proper formatting and usage in order to accurately convey the meaning of a word or phrase.

Example Sentences:

1. The web dictionary editor carefully translated the new entry for "sustainability" from English into Spanish.


2. As a web dictionary translator, it is important to ensure that all definitions are accurate and easy to understand.


3. The web dictionary editor added several synonyms to the entry for "resilience" in order to provide more options for users.


4. The pronunciation guide in this online dictionary was carefully curated by a team of skilled editors.


5. Thanks to the hard work of the web dictionary translator, users can now easily search for the meaning of "multilingualism" in their preferred language.


Synonyms: lexicographer, translator, linguist, language expert.

Summary: In summary, a web dictionary editor and translator plays an important role in creating and maintaining accurate and comprehensive entries in an online dictionary. They must have a strong understanding of both languages involved and be able to convey the meaning of a word or phrase effectively. Their work helps users easily access and understand new words and expand their vocabulary.


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