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Secret Arrest


[sɪˈkrɛt əˈrɛst]

Noun. The act of arresting someone without revealing the reason or charge to the public.

Example Sentences:

1. The government has been accused of secret arrests in order to suppress political dissent.


2. The human rights organization is calling for an end to secret arrests and for transparency in the justice system.


3. He was subjected to a secret arrest and detained for several weeks before being released without any charges.


4. The use of secret arrests has raised concerns about civil liberties and due process.


5. The journalist was secretly arrested by the authorities for reporting on government corruption.


Synonyms: Covert arrest, clandestine detention, hidden apprehension.


Secret arrest is a controversial tactic used by some governments to silence opposition and suppress dissenting voices. It is often seen as a violation of human rights and due process, as the person arrested is not given a fair chance to defend themselves in court. Secret arrests are often accompanied by other forms of human rights abuses, such as torture and forced confessions.

Editor's Summary:

The term "secret arrest" refers to the act of arresting someone without revealing the reason or charge to the public. It is a controversial tactic used by some governments to suppress dissent and opposition. This practice has been criticized for violating human rights and due process, as the person arrested is not given a fair chance to defend themselves in court. Secret arrests are often accompanied by other forms of human rights abuses, such as torture and forced confessions.


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