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1. 英文释义:The English translation of “知足者常乐” is “contentment brings happiness”.


2. 音标:/kənˈtentmənt brɪŋz ˈhæpinəs/

3. 用法:This phrase is often used to express the idea that being satisfied with what one has can lead to true happiness. It emphasizes the importance of finding contentment in life rather than constantly striving for more. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts.

4. 例句:

1. 中文:他总是追求更多,却从未感到满足,他需要学会知足者常乐。

英文:He always pursues more, but never feels satisfied. He needs to learn the principle of “contentment brings happiness”.

2. 中文:她虽然生活简朴,但每天都过得很开心,这就是知足者常乐的体现。

英文:Although she lives a simple life, she is happy every day. This is an embodiment of the principle of “contentment brings happiness”.

3. 中文:只有当你懂得知足者常乐时,才能真正体会到生活的美好。

英文:Only when you understand the principle of “contentment brings happiness”, can you truly appreciate the beauty of life.

4. 中文:不要总是想着拥有更多的财富和权力,要学会知足者常乐。

英文:Don't always think about having more wealth and power, learn the principle of “contentment brings happiness”.

5. 中文:知足者常乐,不断追求的人永远无法满足。

英文:Contentment brings happiness, those who constantly pursue will never be satisfied.

5. 同义词及用法:

1. Satisfaction: a feeling of contentment or fulfillment; used to express the idea of being happy with what one has.

2. Happiness: a state of well-being and contentment; often used in conjunction with contentment to emphasize the connection between the two.

3. Gratitude: a feeling of thankfulness for what one has; can also convey the idea of being satisfied with one's current situation.

4. Fulfillment: a sense of satisfaction and achievement; can be used to describe the feeling that comes from being content with one's life.

6. 编辑总结:

知足者常乐是一句富有哲理的中文谚语,它强调了满足于现状的重要性,并指出这种满足可以带来真正的幸福。它提醒人们要学会欣赏生活中的美好,而不是不断追求更多。在英文中,它可以被翻译为“contentment brings happiness”,也可以与其他同义词搭配使用,如satisfaction、happiness、gratitude和fulfillment。无论是在正式场合还是日常生活中,都可以使用这句话来表达对知足的重视。


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