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Word: Resilience

Pronunciation: /rɪˈzɪl.jəns/


Usage: noun

Definition: the ability to recover quickly from difficult situations or challenges

Example Sentences:

1. Despite facing numerous setbacks, she showed great resilience and was able to bounce back even stronger. (尽管面临诸多挫折,她表现出色的韧性,能够更加坚强地反弹。)

2. The company's resilience was put to the test during the economic downturn, but they managed to survive and thrive. (公司在经济低迷时期的韧性受到了考验,但他们成功地存活下来并发展壮大。)

3. Children who have gone through traumatic experiences often show remarkable resilience in overcoming their past struggles. (经历过创伤的孩子通常表现出惊人的韧性,克服了他们过去的挣扎。)

4. The team's resilience was praised by their coach after they won the championship despite facing numerous injuries throughout the season. (尽管在整个赛季中面临诸多伤病,该队仍然获得了冠,其韧性得到教练的赞扬。)

5. Building resilience is essential in today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, as it helps individuals adapt and thrive in difficult situations. (在当今快节奏、变化不断的世界中,建立韧性非常重要,因为它可以帮助个人在困难的情况下适应并茁壮成长。)

Synonyms: toughness, adaptability, fortitude, strength

Usage: Resilience is an important quality to have, as it allows individuals to overcome challenges and thrive in the face of adversity. It is often seen as a key characteristic of successful and resilient individuals. As an editor, I believe that promoting resilience in our writing can inspire and motivate readers to develop this valuable trait in their own lives.


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